Izgradnja kulture kvalitete i jasnih standarda za bolje visoko obrazovanje u BiH
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Vodič o postupku pristupa informacijama u Agenciji za razvoj visokog obrazovanja i osiguranje kvaliteta
Prijava korupcije
Pritužbe i prijave protiv koruptivnog ponašanja u Agenciji za razvoj visokog obrazovanja i osiguranje kvaliteta

The 2025 Members’ Forum will take place on 9-11 April
The 2025 Members’ Forum will take place on 9-11 April in Paphos, Cyprus. This event will is organised in cooperation with the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA).
ENQA members and affiliates have been invited to register to the Members’ Forum by email. Please contact secretariat@enqa.eu if you are an ENQA member or affiliate and have not received the invitation.
11.02.2025 - 11.04.2025

3rd ENQA Seminar for Agencies Preparing for a Review, 27-28 March 2025, Madrid, Spain
ENQA’s third Seminar for Agencies Preparing for a Review takes place on 27-28 March 2025 in Madrid, Spain. The event is organised by ENQA and hosted by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA).
The seminar is open to quality assurance agencies that are preparing for an external review against the ESG 2015 either through a full review or a targeted review in 2025 – spring 2027. The seminar will provide useful information on the review process in order to prepare well for the upcoming agency review. Participants will be given insight into the methodologies of full and targeted reviews, discuss good practices related to the self-assessment process, as well as hear from representatives of ENQA Agency Review Committee and EQAR. Additionally, the seminar offers a unique opportunity to learn from other agencies that have successfully undergone an ENQA Agency Review.
05.02.2025 - 29.03.2025